Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Organ Donor / Donation Organization - 779 Words

Creative Title Topic: Organ Donor/Donation Organization: Topically Specific Purpose: Whatever the decision might be, the smart thing to do it to do some research. I. INTRODUCTION A. Attention getter: Did you know that as of 1988, according to the American Transplant Foundation, 597,166 transplants have occurred in the U.S.? B. Relevance: Organ donation, being controversial as it is, does not have enough information out into the public in order for the people to make a concise opinion/idea about the polemic topic. Whether people are for or against it, there should be done somewhat of a research to at least be briefly informed/familiarized rather than being influenced by myths or false accusations of said topic. As a result when renewing a State ID people often do not check for Organ Donor because of the poor information out there, as well as other people do check for Organ Donor without knowing of the consequences it holds. C. Credibility statement: Now, while most people might be pro or against, I am neutral. I have witnessed seeing someone be benefited by an organ donation, yet I have being on the other side of the spectrum. As a result I’ve also been a witnessed of the effect it has on the family emotionally once a family member passes away and that person happens to be an organ donor. D. Central idea: With such a controversial topic, it is only fair to raise awareness of the importance of the education of oneself over a polemic topic such as organ donation ratherShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis Of Organ Donation Essay1509 Words   |  7 PagesAn Analysis of Organ Donation Flashback to when you were sixteen years old. Young, naive, and about to be ruling the streets with your very own Driver’s License. You passed your written and physical driving exams, but before you are able to get your â€Å"right of passage†, you must indicate whether or not you are willing to donate your organs in the case of your death. 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The primary mission of donor’s organizations is to save as many terminally ill recipients at the end stages of their lives as possible with an end goal of giving these recipients a normal a life span. The significance of organ donation is to restore an ailing person’s quality of life. The ongoing issue of organ shortages may be a symptom ofRead MoreEssay On Electronic Health Record1358 Words   |  6 Pageshealth information access. Congress passed the National Organ Transplant Act in 1984, as a response to the national shortage of organ donation and need to improve the organ donation and matching process. The National Organ Transplant Act established the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) to maintain a national registry for organ matching. 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Can you imagine, what it would feel like to get handed a deathRead MoreEssay The Growing Need for Organ Donors1628 Words   |  7 Pagesbrotherly love, a love that can find expression in the decision to become an organ donor.† Pope John Paul II stated in the Address to International Congress on Transplants. In a culture of death and self-centeredness it is important to prompt the youth to consider becoming an organ donor. The number of people in need of a transplant is growing quickly, and already is at a large rate. Eighteen people will die each day waiting for an organ transplant; more must be done to help these people, yet it must be withinRead MoreAltruism Over Incentives For Organ Donation Essay1535 Words   |  7 PagesAltruism over Incentives for Organ Donation Organ donations have encountered organ donor, and as a result, organ supply decreases. Over the years, organ donation challenges and demands increase inversely in proportion to the organ shortages. The primary mission of donor’s organizations is to save as many terminally ill recipients at the end stages of their lives as possible with an end goal of giving these recipients a normal a life span. The significance of organ donation is to restore an ailing person’sRead MoreOrgan Donation : Organ Organs1054 Words   |  5 PagesOrgan Donation Organ donation occurs when a failing or damaged organ, is replaced with a new organ, through a surgical operation. The two sources of organs for donation come from a deceased person and a living person. The organs that are received from a deceased person are called cadaveric organs. A person can indicate on his or her driver’s license if they want to be an organ donor after they die. There are some states that allow for family consent for organ removal, regardless if the deceased

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